Acne laser treatment is more effective with garden variety zits or pimples (papules and pustules) rather than with non-inflammatory acne like blackheads and whiteheads. This is because lasers work by agitating the porphyrins (the various pigments distributed widely in living tissues-and also in the bacteria in acne). This agitation damages the bacteria’s cell wall, effectively killing it. Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that affect almost everyone. It could appear at one point in your life, probably during puberty or after it. There is nothing to worry if you are suffering from the skin problem. RENOVIN HOSPITAL provides Specialized services to treat wide range of Skin, Hair and Nail disorders. Dr Mohit Dhawan is consultant Dermatologist and Medical Director of Renovin Skin clinic having Rich experience of 18 years in the field of Dermatology and Laser Surgery.However, acne should be properly treated if there are indications that it is going to some level of severity.
Blue light therapy : Blue light is low-intensity, yet strong enough to destroy P. acnes. It is a painless procedure but requires multiple sessions because P. acnes bacteria multiply quickly. The only downside to blue light therapy is its ongoing nature and the possible side effects-temporary redness and dryness in the areas of skin that are treated. Recently, blue light therapy has been teamed with red light, a combination thought to increase the efficacy of the treatment compared to just blue light.
Diode laser therapy : Diode lasers are capable of destroying the sebum-producing glands located in the dermis (the deep, vascular inner layer of the skin). But these lasers don’t affect the epidermis (the outer, visible layer). It is more painful at times than the previous two procedures but analgesics can usually take care of the pain. As with other acne laser treatment, temporary redness and/or swelling of treated areas are the most common side effects of diode laser therapy.
Photopneumatic therapy : This is a combination acne laser treatment. It involves vacuum suction along with blue and red light therapy. The suction aids in removing the oil and the dead skin cells that clog up the sebaceous glands. After the suction, blue and red light therapy is employed to destroy the P. acnes bacteria, which boasts the side benefit of reducing inflammation.
Photodynamic therapy: This is another combination therapy involving topical medications and light. The treatment involves applying photosensitizing agents to enhance the effect of light on the skin. The light’s colors are either blue or red and are administered in a pulsed format. As in other laser treatments, redness and swelling are the side effects of this therapy. Additionally, the skin crust and-ironically-acne breakouts may occur.
RENOVIN HOSPITAL provides Specialized services to treat wide range of Skin, Hair , nails disorder For more information visit our clinic or book an appointment click here Client Feedback : Our clients with their successfull treatment sharing their stories